Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Featured News: Jihadi threat in Nigeria declared state of emergency

For the second time in two years, Nigeria has declared a state of emergency across multiple northern states and given the military final jurisdiction over the affected areas. The cause: Boko Haram, one of the most violent jihadi groups to appear in the Sahel in decades. They have killed dozens of people so far this year, carried out complex and co-ordinated attacks, destroyed police stations and army barracks, seized control of whole villages and areas of countryside, and they possess heavy weaponry such as anti-aircraft guns mounted on vehicles. Although the current state of emergency only covers three states, at least eleven states are now severely affected by Boko Haram's activities -nearly a third of the total states in Nigeria.

Boko Haram is becoming a serious threat not only to the Nigerian government, but is also reaching a size such that suppressing it in Nigeria may simply lead to it decamping and spreading out into neighbouring countries such as Niger and Cameroon. Links of ethnicity, culture and anti-government grievances, coupled with the 'prestige' that Boko Haram's successful attacks in Nigeria bring it, may make much of the Sahel a fetile breeding ground for Boko Haram to spread into.

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